A Rapid Test For Your Brand – How Is It Weathering The Pandemic?

Rapid Test for Brand

During the last 11 months of the global COVD-19 pandemic, businesses have had to adjust strategies, marketing, budgets, and more. As the situation evolved, every business scrambled to adapt their day-to-day operations to the fluctuating circumstances.

Messages, products, delivery methods may change, but a strong brand allows you to make adjustments without changing who you are.

The businesses that are surviving – and even thriving – have one thing in common: a deeply-rooted understanding of their brand that informs any business decisions they have to make. Messages, products, or delivery methods may change, but a strong brand allows you to make adjustments without changing who you are.

All of this is predicated on having a clear understanding of your brand and using that to ground every decision you make for your business. Here are some of our questions for testing your brand:

  1. Have you recently evaluated your company through the eyes of your employees and your customers? Poor branding can actually cost your money. Make sure you know how your brand is currently perceived. 
  2. Do you have a positioning statement for your company? Knowing what you do best and why you stand out from your competition is an important first step. 
  3. Do you have a clear brand identity? Developing a brand starts by considering the key elements that have created your brand identity. 
  4. Do you have a written brand guide for your business? Having everything written down clearly communicates your internal expectations for your brand. 
  5. Do you have an online brand identity? As companies shifted to more digital settings, this became extremely important to your survival.
  6. What do the visual elements of your website say about your company? Having a style guide, high-quality photos, versatile website design, and a good logo can make all the difference in your branding. 
  7. Have you created brand loyalty with your customers? Many of you know that loyal customers are the ones who got you through tough times. 
  8. Do you need a new logo? You need a logo that speaks for your brand the way it is today. The new year may signal time for a change. 
  9. Has your business changed so much that it’s time to re-brand? Maybe how you’ve responded to the pandemic has caused you to realize that it’s time for a complete overhaul of your branding.

Hopefully, these questions help you get a clear understanding of your brand and how it should impact all your marketing and business decisions. Authenticity is key during this time and will continue to serve your brand well moving forward. If your branding doesn’t reflect the real you, customers will notice, and they’ll begin to look elsewhere. We take the time to get to know the real you before we jump into anything else. If you’d like some help creating a brand that will weather any circumstances, let’s talk. 

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