5 Ways Social Media Has Changed Marketing Communication  

To say that social media has revolutionized marketing would be an understatement. The advent and spread of this medium has impacted the way we do life and the way we do marketing for our clients. We have seen marketing communication change in many ways over recent years, and we have some that we want you to consider when planning your next marketing campaign.

Marketing has become much more “conversational” in nature.

In the past, companies were used to relating to customers in a more official and formal way. However, now the conversation has become more personal, and it goes both ways. It’s more of a conversation than a monologue. You can receive feedback and ask questions quickly and easily.

Consumers have developed different expectations of businesses when it comes to how they are “treated.”

Because a customer can immediately contact a company through social media and start a conversation that is public, they have different expectations of how they should be treated. Your social media network is only as effective as the level of attention you can give to customers. You need to be listening and responding to your audience in order to keep the conversation going. They need to feel like they are heard and acknowledged by a real person, not just a robot.

As we “listen” through social media, we have new insights.

You probably have a good idea of what your customers want and need. Social media can be used to confirm what you think they need or add a new insight you haven’t considered. By listening to their dialogues with your brand, with other customers or even about other brands, you can gain valuable insight that can shape your future marketing plans. The focus becomes on actually meeting your customer’s needs rather than fulfilling what you think they need.

Brands have more control over messaging through direct interactions with consumers.

You don’t have to worry about being misquoted by a reporter or having your message filtered through gatekeepers. Your company gets to directly interact with clients. You can also choose with whom and how you interact. This means that you can target potential stakeholders who are already excited about your brand and invite them to help you get the word out. You ultimately have more control over your message.

Smaller businesses can have a place and a voice.

Without the backing of a national brand or corporation, traditional marketing methods, like television and print advertising, can be cost-prohibitive to a small business. Social media is accessible to everyone at any price point. Plus you can target your advertising investments to a specific set of potential customers in order to get more effective results.

Some marketing firms let go of traditional marketing methods, but at Riley & You, we help you find ways to make the most of both traditional and social media marketing. We have social media experts who can help you manage all your social media accounts and take advantage of the ever-changing nuances of social media marketing communication.

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