Your Online Brand Identity Strategy: Do You Have One?

Previously we talked about how to develop your online brand identity. But just having a consistent brand identity online isn’t enough. Once you have identified your online brand identity you need to know how to use it. You need a strategy to help you effectively implement it across all platforms. Riley & You can help with this part too.

Here are some of the important parts of your online brand identity strategy that we can provide:

Content calendars

Maybe this has happened to you. You realized that you haven’t posted in a while and that you need to post now. Then you call an emergency meeting to try to figure out what to post by the end of the day, but everyone gets distracted by cat videos and nothing gets posted. When you have an agreed-upon content calendar, you have already decided what needs to be posted. Keep in mind that every piece of content on the calendar should support and reinforce your brand image and offline marketing. Research shows that many customers have a blended approach to online and offline tools, so make sure you pay attention to both and that both reflect the same brand identity. Riley & You can help you create content calendars as well as find and create content for all your online and offline marketing needs.

Purpose for each channel

Different social media channels have different types of audiences. How will you use these differences to build your brand identity? If your audience follows you on several channels and they get exactly the same content on each one, they may get bored or over-exposed to your message. Riley & You can help you decide how and when to use each channel.

Consistent voice across channels

At Riley & You, we have project managers that oversee all of the content to make sure that it fits you and your brand identity. It’s very important that your brand voice is consistent through every part of social media so that wherever potential customers find you, they find the same quality version of you that is consistent with your brand identity.

Regular monitoring

If your social media department is small or even nonexistent, Riley & You can help you monitor what is happening across all your social media channels. We help you identify what is working and what is not. We can tweak your messaging so that it fits your audience and increases your engagement. We even monitor reviews and comments and respond for you. Through regular optimizing and monitoring, we can help you streamline your online brand strategy and maintain your brand reputation.

Adding visuals

The visual element of branding is getting more important with each generation. Riley & You have experience creating high-quality photos and videos to engage your audience. For today’s fast-paced, online consumers, visuals communicate more in a brief amount of time than any amount of text, making custom photography your top marketing asset. We can help you identify and create visual content that fits your brand identity and personality.

Don’t let your brand identity slip into oblivion through a lack of implementation. Riley & You are ready to help you build a brand strategy that will work consistently with your brand identity. Let us be a part of your social media department, and watch your audience and influence grow.

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