The Power of Giving: 4 Ideas for Supporting Your Community

For small businesses, there are so many great reasons to give back to the community. Giving back positions your company as one that cares about its community, it gives your employees a greater sense of purpose, but most importantly, it just feels good. In fact,...

Articles On Business Strategies That Work

5 Common Mistakes in Online Marketing Strategy

5 Common Mistakes in Online Marketing Strategy

At Riley & You, people come to us all the time frustrated and confused about why their online marketing isn’t working. They have created several different social media accounts and paid for programs they have no idea how to use. They heard that online marketing...

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Turning the Tables on Bad Reviews

Turning the Tables on Bad Reviews

You’ve heard the saying “What you don't know won't hurt you” or maybe "What you don't know may hurt you." But whichever version you prefer, when it comes to the world of online reviews, "What you ignore may kill you." Our clients fight the same battle most small...

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What is Inbound Marketing?

What is Inbound Marketing?

Which is easier: going to the customer or getting the customer to come to you? Instead of reaching out to customers, maybe you should consider ways to get them to reach out to you. This is considered inbound marketing, and spending marketing dollars to get customers...

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Millennials: Speaking Their Language

Millennials: Speaking Their Language

You have heard of millennials and you may have been annoyed by them, but who are they and why should you care? Millennials are people born between 1977 and 2000, and older generations have been annoyed by the younger generations that follow them for centuries....

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Finding Your Best Brand Advocates

Finding Your Best Brand Advocates

Whether you know it or not, you already have brand advocates. A brand advocate is someone who loves your brand and is eager to tell others about it. Sometimes you find them through social media or through your blog or maybe even in real life. But once you find them,...

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5 Common Mistakes in Online Marketing Strategy

5 Common Mistakes in Online Marketing Strategy

At Riley & You, people come to us all the time frustrated and confused about why their online marketing isn’t working. They have created several different social media accounts and paid for programs they have no idea how to use. They heard that online marketing...

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Turning the Tables on Bad Reviews

Turning the Tables on Bad Reviews

You’ve heard the saying “What you don't know won't hurt you” or maybe "What you don't know may hurt you." But whichever version you prefer, when it comes to the world of online reviews, "What you ignore may kill you." Our clients fight the same battle most small...

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What is Inbound Marketing?

What is Inbound Marketing?

Which is easier: going to the customer or getting the customer to come to you? Instead of reaching out to customers, maybe you should consider ways to get them to reach out to you. This is considered inbound marketing, and spending marketing dollars to get customers...

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Millennials: Speaking Their Language

Millennials: Speaking Their Language

You have heard of millennials and you may have been annoyed by them, but who are they and why should you care? Millennials are people born between 1977 and 2000, and older generations have been annoyed by the younger generations that follow them for centuries....

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Finding Your Best Brand Advocates

Finding Your Best Brand Advocates

Whether you know it or not, you already have brand advocates. A brand advocate is someone who loves your brand and is eager to tell others about it. Sometimes you find them through social media or through your blog or maybe even in real life. But once you find them,...

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