Your employees are your most valuable asset, but finding and wooing individuals who become rockstar team members can be like sitting through auditions for the next American Idol. Of course, finding the right person deserves time and attention, but you probably have very little to give, especially when you’re already short-staffed. Stretched employees with too much work lead to poor company culture, high turnover rates, decreased productivity, and diminishing profits.
You may be tempted to handle your hiring on your own and add it to your ever-growing to-do list. But take a moment to consider what we can offer you. Recruitment is all about marketing an available position in your company and sharing your brand story and culture. A marketing company can craft a compelling job description and fill your lead funnels with qualified candidates.
Only Riley & You has the expertise to help you effectively and efficiently recruit a team member that is not only skilled but also the right fit for your company’s culture. Here’s how we do it.
Job Description
You can list the skills and experience you are looking for, but we know how to turn your list into a fantastic job description that will attract the most qualified candidates. The job description is your first impression and your best opportunity to attract potential rockstars and weed out the wanna-bees.
Marketing the Position
Not only do we reach out to your current network, but we also open new doors by utilizing tools like LinkedIn that allow us to target the audience that is most likely to be interested in your position. We can even seek out potential candidates based on their experience and skills.
Application Process
Your recruitment funnel can be greatly hindered by barriers to entry, like a cumbersome or faulty application process. At the same time, your application process should require thought and effort, giving you additional information to help you prioritize your first phone calls. We will help create the online process and craft initial questions for applicants.
Follow-Up Strategy
The interviewing process is difficult, even for the most skilled business person. With the high cost of training new team members and the impact that turnover has on culture and performance, it’s crucial to have a thorough interview process that ensures the candidate has the skills and experience required, is teachable and eager to learn, and is going to be a great fit for your company’s culture.
Candidate Selection
With our services, we are able to offer hands-on assistance as you wade through your pile of qualified candidates. You’ll be able to prioritize your follow-ups and receive advice from our experts before making your offer to your future team member.
Remember your future rockstars are a core part of your company’s culture and marketing strategy.