Creating a Culture

Riley & You Team
Riley & You Team L-R: Britney, Kerry, Chris, Susie, Jenn, Shana & Lindsey

In business terms, culture is an output of multiple inputs that come together in the right way. Specifically, it is the melding of employee ideas, values, ethics, and dedication. It also includes how employees interact with each other at work and outside of work and how the company as a whole evolves based on those interactions. By the time you see a culture is bad — or more often only mediocre — it is a complex issue to deal with. It is like a dish that tastes funny, but you can’t figure out why because there were too many cooks in the kitchen. Creating a company culture can seem overwhelming, but when you nurture it and watch it grow, your company will experience greater success.

Following are a few key elements for creating and maintaining a company culture for any type of business:

Hire the right people

This seems simple, right? Wrong. Not only does this include hiring the right people, but it may also include getting rid of the wrong ones. This is not an easy task, but it is the most important one of all if you expect your culture to work.


This follows number one because you have to have the right people in place because COMMUNICATION IS KEY! Company-wide recognition needs to be a core part of every team meeting. The back-channel conversations are also very important. Hand-written notes, quick emails, one-liners to honor people when they’ve done well, and even recognizing things such as birthdays all work together to affect culture. Communication builds trust, values, and bonds between employees.

Tend to the weeds

This is the hard part of building a culture; however, it must be on the list. One of the most destructive “weeds” is the whiner. Whiners aren’t necessarily public with their complaints. They don’t always stand up in meetings and articulate everything they think is wrong with the company. Instead, they move through the organization, speaking privately, sowing doubt, and strangling trust. Constructive criticism is healthy, but relentless complaining is toxic. Identify these people and work with them to resolve the problem.

Work hard, play hard

This is a basic principle to keep any business healthy and thriving. Make sure to take some time to gather outside of work at least once or twice a year. Throw a party, have a family picnic, do a team-building workshop, or just get together for pizza. Whatever the setting, make sure everyone gets involved. Have fun with it, and keep the focus on the employees as “people” not as “workers.”

Work together for the long term

In order for your company to achieve long-term success, you must understand that you need a viable company culture. If the culture fosters a passion for long-term success, the people will also be committed for the long haul. Cultivate good people, be honest and competent, give them long-term support, and watch your culture and your business thrive!

Take intentional steps towards building a good culture. Doing a few simple things will increase morale, which will in turn lead to a happier staff that will work harder because they enjoy their work. It’s a win-win for everyone involved.

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