10 Reasons eNewsletters are Important for your Business

Newsletters may seem like an old-fashioned marketing tool. However, in this computer age, electronic newsletters can still be very effective in reaching potential customers and generating sales for your company.

We have ten reasons you should consider a newsletter as part of your marketing plan.

  1. Newsletters educate and persuade recipients to work with your business. It’s a great way to introduce new products or services to your current customers.
  2. They maintain customer relationships on the internet. When you provide quality content in a newsletter, like tips for the home or advice about entertaining, it gives the newsletter extra value because the recipient can share it with friends, which provides a word-of-mouth bonus reference.
  3. They can establish you as an authority on the topics you write about, preferably topics related to your line of work. Your customers will see you as an expert who can give them good advice and contact you when they need help.
  4. Newsletters provide a way to keep in touch with customers, letting them know of specific events or changes at your business.
  5. They offer you a way of interacting with dormant customers, keeping you top-of-mind when they need you again.
  6. They are easy to personalize with your logos and content. Many email marketing services even allow you to include the recipient’s name, making each issue feel personal.
  7. They allow you to quickly let customers know of a new product or service. With an electronic newsletter, you don’t have to wait for printing and mailing to happen. Issues go out immediately, and content is quickly uploaded once you have a template for your business.
  8. They are inexpensive because there are no printing or mailing costs.
  9. They are friendly to the environment because they don’t get thrown in the trash.
  10. By providing a sign-up for the newsletter on the business website, your business can gather email addresses of potential customers.

You don’t want to miss out on the benefits of using a newsletter to boost your sales. If you are ready to start a newsletter to help improve your business, contact Riley & You. Our team of experts can help you design your template, manage your email list, and develop quality content.

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