In the past, social media didn’t seem that important for reaching the Baby Boom generation, and your business probably focused your online efforts on younger generations - Gen X and Millennials - and used more traditional marketing tools like television to reach...
social media
Social Media: A New Avenue for Customer Communication
Your business is using social media to help customers find and learn about your business. But have you considered that social media might be a new way for you to connect with individual customers as well? Social media today is a valuable tool for two-way...
Omni-channel Marketing: Aligning Your Message Across Channels
Your business is probably used to multichannel marketing because you have a variety of marketing tools: a website, a blog, social media accounts, digital ads, and e-mail newsletters. And you have become really good at using these platforms to engage your audience and...
How Brands Adapted Their Online Presence During a Global Pandemic
At this point in time, the coronavirus has taken over conversations, news feeds, email, and article content for months. Most brands have at least acknowledged the current state of affairs and had to adapt their marketing as well as their social media content. Some...
Social Commerce
With the new year upon us, we’re spending time reflecting on all of the technological advances of the past decade and how that has impacted the business world. Perhaps one of the biggest impacts has been the rise and growth of social media. According to Statista,...
Social Media Trends for 2019: Are you ready?
The Social Media experts at Riley & You have been scouring the internet and attending workshops and webinars in order to stay up to date on the ever-changing landscape of online marketing. We want to use our expertise to help you in the new year. We know you have...