Video: It’s Here to Stay, So Why Aren’t You Using It?

Three young people watching video on mobile device

The amount of video content has exploded in the last few years. Everywhere you look you can find people of all ages consuming video. One-third of online activity is spent watching video, and over half of that content is viewed on mobile devices. YouTube has over a billion users, and more than 500 million hours of video are watched on YouTube every day. Forty-five percent of people watch more than one hour of videos on Facebook or YouTube every day. Be honest…are you one of them?

So the question is: are you using video to market your business?

If you aren’t and the above stats aren’t enough to get you motivated, we have some other reasons you should consider adding video to your online marketing strategy.

The content of the video matters more than the quality, and 85% of Facebook videos are watched without sound. Because of the increase in the quality of smartphone cameras, creating quality video content is easier than ever. Plus you can look for ways to re-purpose the video you already have on your website into social media posts. You can also leverage resources from your partners. For example, the manufacturers for our appliance store clients already have video uploaded to their websites for their products. You may find there’s more video available than you thought.

Our team at Riley & You have experience with all kinds of video content. We can help you create the content you need or search through access libraries to find the best content for you. More video content is uploaded in 30 days than the major U.S. television networks have created in 30 years. It’s time for you to join in with this trend and maximize your reach online. Let us help you find ways to incorporate video into your content!

Proven marketing solutions designed to help appliance dealers engage their affluent audience