Guarding the Money Gate

How many times have you agreed to do advertising because the rep was a good salesperson or they had an unbelievable deal? Your “money gate” gets bombarded every day with advertisers calling you. You have to let them in, right? You have to advertise, don’t you? It seems everyone has a good reason to take your money. So who is going to ensure that you are
investing in the right advertising for your business? How can you get the most out of your advertising dollars?

A few years back we helped a client break a long-standing relationship with an advertiser. The person selling the advertising was great, but through the years, the media they were selling became ineffective and untraceable to sales. Every business owner needs a plan, and someone to guard the gate so that money is not spent on impressions that don’t lead to actual sales. An effective advertising strategy must have objectives, a plan, and someone to measure results.

Call Riley & You and discover how to protect your money and eliminate wasted time and advertising. We are watching out for you.

Proven marketing solutions designed to help appliance dealers engage their affluent audience