Platform Potential: How to Maximize Your Organic Reach

If you have had a Facebook page for your company for few years, you may have wondered why it doesn’t seem to be as effective as it once was. You keep posting, but you realize that your organic reach is shrinking, and you are not the only one.

Average Facebook organic reach declined 52% in 2016 according to Facebook defines organic reach as “how many people you can reach for free on Facebook by posting to your Page.” This number has been declining since the introduction of paid advertising, but there are ways to focus your marketing efforts on the right places to optimize your organic reach on social media and gain more exposure for your company.

  1. Pick your platform – Not all social media platforms are equal and you may not need to maintain a Pinterest page and an Instagram page and a Twitter account. Riley & You surveys your current audience, looks at your share counts and sees what your competitors are doing to determine which platforms are right for you.
  2. Profiles matter – Check out your profiles on social media because SEO still matters, even on these pages. You also want to simplify the name of your page and your logo and make it consistent everywhere your customers find you online. Your profile is a big part of building your brand recognition.
  3. Post evergreen content – Don’t publish content that has an expiration date. Post things that solve a problem people consistently encounter or educate your audience on questions they frequently have. Remember that people are more likely to share positive content than negative and that videos are more likely to be shared than photos. Our Riley & You team can help you create the kind of content that people want to share.
  4. Post during slow hours – Each platform has a time of day when there are fewer posts, which means less competition for your posts. At Riley & You, we know when those times are and can help you strategically plan your posts.
  5. Put your money where it matters – When businesses first started appearing on social media, the appeal was that it didn’t cost anything to set up an account. But in order to make social media pay off, you need to have paid advertising, and you also need a budget to create high quality content. Riley & You knows you need to see a return on your investment, so we monitor which content is effective and which ads get you the biggest reach with Facebook’s ever-changing algorithm.

Facebook advises marketers to expect things to keep changing, and often because Facebook has never been stagnant, so no marketer can figure out a formula and then stick with it forever. If you don’t have the time or staff to keep up with the constant changes, let Riley & You help analyze and determine which social media platforms are the best fit for your business. Then we can create a marketing plan and manage your social media accounts, so you can focus on your business. Let us create a marketing strategy that combines paid advertising and content-rich organic posts to improve your organic reach.

Proven marketing solutions designed to help appliance dealers engage their affluent audience