17 Rules to Follow to Ensure Proper Email Etiquette

What image are you projecting when you email clients and prospects? How do they perceive you? Your emails are a representation of you and your company. Fonts, typos, incorrect grammar, emoticons, and email signatures make a big impression. That’s why it’s so important to have proper email etiquette. Here is a list of important etiquette rules to follow when sending business emails.

Business Email Etiquette Rules:

  1. Use an email address that is professional and formal.
  2. Be sure to reply to emails promptly.
  3. Always include a clear subject line because this will determine whether the client will open it or not.
  4. Use standard fonts that are available on all computers.
  5. Don’t type in all caps or in all lowercase letters.
  6. Address the recipient formally and be sure that you don’t misspell their name.
  7. Include a greeting and closing to make the email courteous.
  8. Type in complete sentences and use proper punctuation.
  9. Don’t overuse exclamation points.
  10. Be careful with abbreviations because the recipient may not understand them.
  11. Avoid using emoticons.
  12. Proofread your emails to make sure there are no typos.
  13. Only hit “reply all” when it is absolutely necessary.
  14. Check the recipient’s name, so you don’t send the email to the wrong person.
  15. If you’re sending a mass email, use Bcc so your recipients’ email addresses won’t be exposed.
  16. Always add the email address last, so you don’t accidentally send an unfinished message.
  17. Create a standard email signature for all employees in your company to ensure consistent branding.

Following these simple etiquette rules when sending business emails will help you build better business relationships. You’ll make a great impression on your clients and prospective clients and help them have a positive perception of you. They’ll see you as professional, which will lead to more respect for you and your business. Make these rules standard in all your business communications and see how it strengthens your business.

Contact Riley & You to help you create email communications that deliver a consistent message to your client.

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